1990▌≥=O▌≥ =SSN:▀πC1*▀DπC2*▌≥=O▌A. Were you a Yonkers resident for any part of the year? [ ] Yes [ ] No▀=ß▀Hß▌▌ If Yes, give period of residence. From≥ To▀.ß▀?ß▌ Are you reporting the City of Yonkers resident income▌ tax surcharge on your New York State tax return?..... [ ] Yes [ ] No▀=ß▀Hß▌▌≥-O▌B. Did you or spouse maintain an apartment or other▌ living quarters in Yonkers during part of the year?.. [ ] Yes [ ] No▀=ß▀Hß ▌▌ If Yes, give address and number of days in Yonkers. Days:▀Bß
▌▌ Address:▀ß▌≥-O▌C. Provide the following information, if reporting income from self-employment:▌▌ Business Name:≥ Address:▀ß▀7ß▌ Employer ID number:≥ Activity:▀ß▀7ß▌ [ ] Sole Proprietorship [ ] Partnership [ ] Other: ≥_▀ß▀"ß▀3ß▌≥-O▌CALCULATION OF NONRESIDENT EARNINGS TAX▌≥-O▌1. Gross wages and other compensation ≥. 1.|≥ |▀5ß▌≥ 2|≥-|▌2. Net earnings from self-employment ≥. 2.|≥ |▀5ß▌≥ 2|≥-|▌3. Add lines 1 and 2 ≥. 3.|≥ |▀5ß▌≥ 2|≥-|▌4. Exclusion ≥.! 4.|≥ |▀5ß▌≥ 2|≥-|▌5. Taxable amount (line 3 less line 4) ≥. 5.|≥ |▀5ß▌≥ 2≥-|≥-▌6. Total nonresident earnings tax (line 5 x .005)≥.6.|▀Dß▌≥=O▌≥ |Preparer's Signature | Date | Check if≥ |▌≥ |≥ |≥ | self-empl [ ] |▀:πP1*▌PAID |≥_|≥_|≥_| SIGN YOUR RETURN▌≥ |Firm's name≥ |Preparer's SSN |▌PREPARER |≥ |≥ | ≥_▌≥ |≥ |≥ |▀πP3*▀,πP2*▌USE ONLY |≥_|≥_|▌≥ |Address≥ |Employer ID No. | ≥_▌≥ |≥ |≥ |▌≥ |≥ |≥ |▀πP4*▀,πP7*▌≥ |≥ |≥ | Date:▀πP5*▌≥ |≥ |≥ |▀πP8*▀πP6*▌≥=O▌≡Σ2▌Y-203 (1990) (back)▌▌≥=O▌SCHEDULE A - ALLOCATION OF WAGES AND SALARY INCOME▌≥-O▌ 7. Gross wages and other compensation≥.7.|▀Dεß∩▌ 8. Total days in the year≥.$8.|▀Hεß∩▌≥ 0≥-|≥-▌ 9. Saturdays and Sundays≥.9.|≥ |≥#▀5εß∩▌10. Holidays≥. 10.|≥ |≥#▀5εß∩▌11. Sick days≥.11.|≥ |≥#▀5εß∩▌12. Vacation≥. 12.|≥ |≥#▀5εß∩▌13. Other nonworking days≥.13.|≥ |≥#▀5εß∩▌≥ 0≥-|≥-▌14. Total nonworking days≥.$14.|▀Hεß ∩▌15. Total days worked in year (line 8 less line 14)≥.
15.|▀Hεß!∩▌16. Total days worked outside City of Yonkers≥.16.|▀Hεß"∩▌17. Total days worked in City of Yonkers≥.17.|▀Hεß#∩▌≥ A|≥-▌18. City of Yonkers amount≥.≥ x≥ = |▀%εß$∩▀0εß∩▀Dεß%∩▌≥=O▌SCHEDULE B - LIST PLACES WHERE YOU DO BUSINESS▌≥-O▌(1) Street address≥ (2) City, State≥ (3) Description▌▌≥_ ≥_ ≥_▌▌≥_ ≥_ ≥_▌▌≥_ ≥_ ≥_▌▌≥_ ≥_ ≥_▌▌≥_ ≥_ ≥_▌≥=O▌SCHEDULE C - ALLOCATION OF SELF-EMPLOYMENT EARNINGS▌≥-O▌≥ %| (1) Total | (2) Yonkers | (3) Pct▌ Property percentage≥ |≥-|≥-|≥-▌ 19. Real property owned≥. |≥ |≥ |▀)εß&∩▀8εß,∩▌ 20. Real property rented≥.|≥ |≥ |▀)εß'∩▀8εß-∩▌ 21. Tangible property owned≥.|≥ |≥ |▀)εß(∩▀8εß.∩▌22. Property percentage (add 19-21)..|≥ |≥ |▀)εß)∩▀8εß/∩▀Iεß0∩▌≥ %|≥-|≥-|≥-▌23. Payroll percentage (see instr)...|≥ |≥ |▀)εß*∩▀8εß1∩▀Iεß2∩▌24. Gross income percentage≥. |≥ |≥ |▀)εß+∩▀8εß3∩▀Iεß4∩▌≥ %≥-|≥-|≥-▌25. Total of percentages (add lines 22, 23, and 24 col 3).....25.|▀Iεß5∩▌26. Business allocation percentage≥..|▀Iεß6∩▌≥ A|≥-▌27. Net earnings from self-employment≥.27.|▀Dεß7∩▌28. City of Yonkers amount (line 27 times line 26)≥.28.|▀Dεß8∩▌≥=O▌AM Software▌≡//2Σ1⌠N90Y2031*▀" X▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▀